EMDR Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing has been around for 30 years! Through research, it has been proven to be effective at treating and resolving issues stemming from traumatic events, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, panic attacks, and more. In other words, EMDR helps propel people towards healing from the emotional distress they are struggling with as a result of difficult life experiences.
If you are interested in pursuing EMDR Therapy, please contact Candace David, LPC, LCDC, CEDS, EMDR Trained, Matt Bedell, LPC, CI, NCC, CCTP, EMDR Trained, or Leslie Hill, LPC, NCC, EMDR Trained.
All providers at INSPIRED Counseling, LLC are private business owners. All providers are self-pay professionals, meaning they do not accept or work with insurance companies in exchange for payment of services provided. A Good Faith Estimate can be provided to you upon request for an estimate of services that you may receive while in their care.